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Pippin: A Play to Remember

TJ Resture Porter

On February 23rd, the Farrington Performing Arts Center hosted a play named Pippin in the FHS Auditorium. The play will showcase on weekends, with the final showing on Sunday, March 3rd. Pippin, a 1972 musical, describes a story about a young Prince named Pippin who journeys to find his life’s purpose. Over the course of his journey, Pippin faces many challenges, and comes to realize that life is not always the way it’s intended to be.

At the beginning of his journey, Pippin joins his father’s war to prove to his father he’s worthy. Though the war ended in a victory, he still didn’t find the answer he was looking for. Soon, he’s influenced by another person to betray & kill his father, who was a tyrant king.

Successfully taking over his father’s position as newly crowned king, Pippin uses this advantage to relieve the citizens of their problems and make everyone happy. However, even as the new king, Pippin felt unsatisfied so his quest to find his true purpose continued. 

As Pippin wanders hopelessly to find what he’s looking for, he comes across a woman named Catherine and her son, Theo. Catherine takes Pippin in, and cares for him as her own. As time passes, Pippin falls in love with Catherine and cares for Theo as his own. Realizing that there’s more to life than love, Pippin leaves and continues on with his journey.

Still on the search for his purpose, Pippin continues with his quest. He’s wandering around until suddenly, he sees people lighting a box on fire. These people gesture to him to step inside the burning box. He almost stepped in the burning box, until he saw familiar faces calling out to him.. To his surprise, it’s Catherine and Theo. Recognizing the situation he’s in, he takes a step back from the box and tries to comprehend what’s going on. At  this point, Pippin realizes that he’s found his true happiness already, and it’s been right in front of him. 

Realizing that there were people who cared for him made Pippin grasp that he shouldn’t take things for granted, and he should just learn to accept them.

So what makes Farringtons play, Pippin memorable? Cast member Natalie Kovach described the experience as a heartfelt moment.

“I personally enjoyed working with everyone behind the scenes on this project. Everyone was playing their parts well, and the cast was really friendly,” Kovach said.

She also went on to explain that she could resonate with Pippin because she’s also on that same journey to find her fulfillment/purpose in life.

Another interviewee, Director and Stage Manager Miguel Cadoy explains that the planning process for Pippin took several months of hard work and dedication but it paid off in the end. Cadoy states that Pippin was significant to him because it was the first play he directed and that it was one of the plays that he wanted to share with the community of Kalihi. Cadoy interprets the main message of Pippin as being your own leader. “There are many voices in our head directing our lives… But we should all follow our hearts and desires because that makes us extraordinary," Cadoy said.

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